Bethlehem Lutheran Church

The Heart of Bay Ridge
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Sunday Service 10:30am
4th & Ovington Avenues
Brooklyn NY  11209
Dear Members and Friends,

The summer months are approaching, and I am delighted that our ministry leadership team is in place. We have exceptional people managing the key missions of our church. The Bay Ridge Center, The Healing Center and the Lutheran Elementary School are in great hands. No personnel issues or struggles need to be addressed, and that’s a beautiful thing. We could not be happier with our wonderful organist and choir director, so the music at Bethlehem is inspirational.

We are truly blessed to have all the people I referenced in my opening paragraph, but they and I have something in common. We actually get paid for what we do. This does not take away from the positive impact we have on everything we do, however, I want to turn the focus of my message this month on all the wonderful people of Bethlehem who make our church the vibrant Christian community that it is and don’t receive any monetary compensation at all.

How many people does it take to pull off worship every Sunday morning? We have our Altar Guild, Holy Communion preparer, ushers, greeter, lectors (11), choir, Holy Communion assistants (7), Holy Communion cleaners, Sunday School greeters and Communion Element presenters. Our Fellowship Commission sets up, serves and cleans up after our Coffee Hour. Our Sunday School has a coordinator, teachers and assistants. Someone takes the responsibility of counting the offering and making the bank deposit.

We have 12 dedicated church members that serve on our church council. In addition, we have active commissions to engage in the running of the church. We have a Worship/Music Commission, Property Commission, Finance Commission, Fellowship Commission, School Board, Healing Center Board of Directors, Bay Ridge Center Board of Directors, Evangelism Commission and our Sunday School/Parish Education Commission. We also have youth group leaders focused on our young people and Women’s Group leaders to plan for their monthly meetings. Every commission and group has several devoted Bethlehem members to do whatever is necessary in their key area.

Sunday, June 30th is Recognition Sunday. This is an annual tradition in which we say thank you to all of you who give of your time and talents to our cherished family of God at Bethlehem. You make it all happen because you have God’s Spirit in your life, and it is meaningful for you to help out and sacrifice. God’s great work at Bethlehem happens because of you. And you don’t receive a penny for your work. May God truly bless you! You are wonderful.

In the Lord's service,

Rev. Paul H. Knudsen
Pastor Paul's June Message
Bethlehem Lutheran Church ®  |  4th & Ovington Avenues, Brooklyn NY 11209  |  718.748.9502
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)