Bethlehem Lutheran Church

The Heart of Bay Ridge
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Sunday Service 10:30am
4th & Ovington Avenues
Brooklyn NY  11209
Dear Members and Friends,

For the last three weeks, I have been giving First Holy Communion instruction to our confirmation students. We cover everything from the history of the communion meal, to the Bible references, to the meaning of the sacrament. My focus on Holy Communion has prompted me to think about what our churches are still doing wrong with respect to Holy Communion today.

In scripture, the apostle Paul was quick to reprimand the early Christians regarding their worship practices. In the Corinthian church, Paul spoke about three problems in the way they administered Holy Communion. First, there were divisions in the church, so not everyone was welcomed at the Lord’s Supper. Second, as Holy Communion was often an entire meal, some people would come early and eat all the food and drink all the wine. The late comers got nothing. Third, too many people were not mindful of the significance of the sacrament and were not taking it seriously. Paul’s response, “What! you show contempt for the church of God…What should I say to you?...In this manner I do not commend you!” The apostle Paul was not happy.

I truly believe the second of these three problems no longer exists. Everyone gets one wafer and one small cup of wine, so we are not going to run out. Sadly, however, I believe problems one and three still exist. Are there still divisions among us? Are you welcome at the Lord’s table wherever you worship? Absolutely not. There are plenty of churches that will not allow you to receive Holy Communion unless you are a part of their religious community. Visitors from other Christian denominations are not welcome at the table. With respect to mindfulness, are we always focusing on the significance of the meal? Do we sometimes go through the motions without concentrating on what we are actually doing? I believe Paul would have the same response to us today. “What! you show contempt for the church of God…What should I say to you?...In this manner I do not commend you!”

Bethlehem gets it right. We boldly proclaim that the Lord’s table is available for all members of the Christian faith. No exclusions. Our confirmation students know that Holy Communion involves Forgiveness, Unity & Mission. That is what they should be thinking about when they come forward to receive the sacrament. That is what we all should be thinking when we come forward for the sacrament.

Holy Communion is meant to be a wonderful spiritual experience in which we take Jesus’ presence into our lives every time we worship. Let us make sure we are practicing this wonderful meal with inclusion and mindfulness. That is what Averie, Eloise and JJ will be doing on Sunday for the first time.

In the Lord's service,

Rev. Paul H. Knudsen
Pastor Paul's October Message
Bethlehem Lutheran Church ®  |  4th & Ovington Avenues, Brooklyn NY 11209  |  718.748.9502
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)